Wednesday, December 1, 2010

jUst A thOughT

Hmm..days need nights, the sun needs the moon, hot needs cold..get the picture? the circle of life works in ways you probably couldn't even imagine. I mean, it's like pairing Cinderella with Wolverine (right?) ..Sometimes I just think that we need these opposite kind of things in order for us to achieve that perfect balance, but the more I think about it, thousands and thousands of bizarre questions came crashing down on me (probably like the airplane from "Lost". haha) Here's a question for 'ya >> if all things need the opposite things.. well, do we need to feel sad in order to feel happy, undergo pain before achieving that perfect pleasure in life, need villains to have superheroes? just a thought.. 

Well, no matter what the answer is...we all can agree that "life is interesting"...
Ya Tawwab, teguhkanlah pendirianku, jadikanlah diriku pemberi petunjuk yang selalu mendapat petunjuk


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